FAQ > Alarm and push notification

Alarm and push notification

Unable to bind a mailbox to get alarm notification

(1)Enter Settings in web mail and start SMTP service.

(2)In the alarm mailbox binding page, input the mailbox user name and password/authorization code.

The alarm picture on the message page cannot be displayed normally.

It is possible that the alarm pictures are failed to be displayed somtimes. We will improve it for future upgrade.

No objects move in front of the camera, but get the motion alert?

(1)Turn down the “Alert Sensitivity” for motion detection.

(2)It’s normal that the alarm is triggered when there is light change or small objects moving in front of the camera.

The mailbox is bound, but the alarm email cannot be received.

(1)Confirm that all alarm settings are on, and the alarm status is set to alert.

(2)Unbind the mailbox, get the SMTP authorization code again and then bind the mailbox.

(3)If the problem still exists, please change the mailbox.

Why warning facilities no alarm?

(1)Confirm that all alarm settings are on, and the “Away” mode is open to make the camera on guard.

(2)Confirm that the notification permissions of Yoosee APP and mobile phone are enabled normally.

(3)The home owners need to set the permissions for visitors to receive the alarm push.

(4)Power off  and power on the camera again (without reset to factory setting) , or reset the camera and re-add.